Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sweet and Buttery, Fresh Sauteed Corn

Probably everyone makes this delicious corn, but in case you don't, you really should! Summer Sweet corn never tasted so good and if you have trouble eating corn on the cob, this method is definitely for you. Sauteing corn in butter in a skillet brings out so much sweetness that you'll want to eat it all, so make plenty!
 For this dish you need a sharp knife, a baking pan and a few extra minutes to cut the corn off of the cob. And of course, you must at first remove the corn husks and silk. Then stand the corn up on the largest end in a shallow pan. I use a 9x13 inch pan for this. Holding the corn by the small end, cut the corn carefully from the cobs. Just start at the top and slice it all the way down and then turn the cob and slice again until you are through with that cob. Do remaining corn the same. Most of the corn will fall into the pan as it is cut. Now you are ready to cook it.
 You don't really need a recipe, but here is the method. I use different amounts depending on how many serving are needed.

Sauteed Fresh Corn
I used 4 large ears of corn, 1 1/2-2 tablespoons butter. Also this time I added just little of diced red onion and red bell pepper, but it is not necessary.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Melt butter in pan. Pour all the corn kernels in the pan and saute for about 7-8 minutes, until the starches are cooked. Turn heat down if it begins to burn. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy!
If using more corn than this, you may need to cook this a bit longer and increase the butter. Enjoy-this corn is so yummy!


  1. Wow thi s is so simple an d tasty

  2. the words..sweet, buttery and corn all just go together perfectly!

  3. I always made corn very simply - I cooked it in water, and when it was ready, I served it with butter. This kind of corn is very tasty.

  4. some people don't even know that corn comes on a cob and you have to get it off to eat it. seriously. we're lucky to have access to fresh corn, lynda, and this is a great preparation!

  5. I have never prepared fresh corn this way, Lynda, and it's a great idea. My grandkids have loose front teeth and I know they will appreciate it. Ha!

    1. Cathy, this is great for anyone wearing braces too.

  6. I grew up on a farm, and there's very little that's tastier than perfectly ripened corn!

    1. You are so right Beth-we always look forward to fresh corn season.

  7. I love me some corn! Richard


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