Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Daughter's Apple Pie- Her Thanksgiving Contribution

My little girl is growing up. Actually she's 21, a college student and works about 30 hours a week. But she likes to bake, so when she wanted to make apple pie for Thanksgiving, I wasn't going to stop her. This is her second time making Apple Pie and she even made homemade crust. I didn't try making crust until I was in my thirties, so I 'm impressed! She likes to arrange the apples in
a spiral pattern, adding sugar and cinnamon as she goes. It was pretty, and tasted divine, I tell you. Apple Pie happens to be my all time favorite dessert, so this was a real treat. I helped her

with peeling the apples as she had two pies to make, one for our house and she took one to her boyfriend's family dinner. I made a Pumpkin Pie also, so she made a crust recipe from Paula Deans website. One recipe was enough for our three pies. The crust was so flaky! I can't give you an exact recipe for the filling, but close to what she did.
For the Apple Pie Filling:
7 good sized Granny Smith Apples, peeled and cored
about 3/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1-2 tsp. lemon
2 tablespoons flour
about 1 1/2 tablespoons butter
Pie crust from here
Roll out the dough for the bottom crust and place in pie pan. Mix apples and rest of ingredients together. Arrange mixture in pie crust. Cut up the butter into peices and dot all over the apples. Roll out dough for top crust and place on top of apples. Seal edges and flute. She brushed milk over the crust and sprinkled granulated sugar on top. The pies baked at 4oo for about 15 minutes and then she dropped the temperature to 350. Bake for another 30-40 minutes, until done.
Not only did we have delicious homemade pie for our Thanksgiving dinner, I had yet another opportunity to spend time with my lovely daughter, baking, laughing and totally making a disaster in the kitchen! What fun, the laughing that is, not the cleaning up. But we made memories!

NOTE: We have decided that we like using 2 different kinds of apples for pie;
Granny Smith's for sure, and Gala's. The mixture seem's to make a more flavorful filling.


  1. What precious moments, dear. I so miss my mom, especially now that Christmas is coming.
    I believe you when you say the pie was wonderful, it looks gorgeous.

  2. Apple pie is a personal favorite with me as well; I even order it out for dessert when we done out, grins, often disappointed as nothing is as good as homemade, grins.

    Debbie, how rewarding it must be to see your daughter enjoying cooking with you. Oh my, that image just makes my throat close up as the swelling of emotion rises in me. So often I stood by my grandmother as she cooked; those are some of the best memories of my life and I love knowing that other moms share and create such loving and lasting memories for their children. Bless you my friend and your sweet daughter.

  3. What a beautiful dessert. I'm well impressed that a college student is capable of such a baking feat. I love it when my kids help me in the kitchen and hope that one day they will love to cook as much as I do. Sounds like you were a great mentor!

  4. A wonderful post. So often, I cook alone (actually, I prefer that)... But occasionally, I cook with others and it always makes such terrific memories

    She did YOU proud. The apple pie does not fall far from the oooker's tree

  5. This is a great post. Your daughter did such a pretty job arranging the apples! Pretty impressive she made the crust also. I'm real lazy when it comes to making pie crust and use the pillsbury ones!

  6. My daughter is 21, in college and working - so I now how busy she is. I am loving that she did this and what a scrumptious pie she turned out. Lovely.

  7. Lynda, your daughter is a wonderful baker. She should enter one of the Food Network Pie cook offs, because this one is perfect!

  8. What a gorgeous pie!
    My daughter is almost the same age, I can't wait until she is interested in cooking or baking.

  9. ah, a gal after my own heart. of course, i lack the patience to lay out my apples as such, but kudos to her for a pie well-made (and kudos to you for raising a pie-baker!)!

  10. What a fabulous job she did. It is really a great looking pie. How nice you both share an interest in food.

  11. Your daughter made a beautiful apple pie(s). I loved the way she laid out the apples-just lovely. The crust was a perfect golden brown.
    I love apple pie! This pie would have been gone, gone, gone had she brought to our home (smile).


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