Monday, February 15, 2010

Homemade Chicken and Noodle Soup (with cheater noodles)

I have been rather absent from my blog lately, due to not feeling well, and taking care of my granddaughter. My daughter-in-law had to go on a business trip for several days, so I stayed at their house at night, because my son goes to work very early in the morning. So my cooking has been rather erratic at best. But I'm back with Chicken and Noodle Soup, using purchased frozen noodles (gasp!), instead of making my own like I usually do. When I don't feel well or I'm not wanting to spend a large chunk of time in the kitchen, I cheat! How about you?
I did use a whole chicken for this flavorful soup because whole chickens are the best value for your buck out there. It cooked for about 1 1/2 hours and then cooled a bit before I took the meat off the bones. However, boneless chicken pieces may be used, but the broth will not be as rich as it could be using bone-in pieces. The best cheater noodles, in my opinion, are Reames noodles, found in your grocers freezer department. They are the most like homemade noodles that I have found and were highly recommended to me first by my Mother-in law many years ago. Enjoy!

HOMEMADE CHICKEN and NOODLE SOUP (with cheater Noodles!)

1 1/2 pounds boneless or bone-in chicken pieces
8 cups water
1 1/2 cups sliced carrots (about)
2-3 celery stalks, diced
1 onion, diced (about 1 1/2 cups)
1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced
about 1/2 cup frozen peas
12 ounce package frozen Reames noodles
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons fresh, chopped parsley
2 teaspoons fresh thyme

Add 8 cups water to soup pot and add chicken pieces OR a whole, 3 1/2 pound chicken. Bring to a boil and add 1 teaspoon salt. Cover pan and reduce heat to a simmer. Boneless chicken pieces need to simmer 20-30 minutes; bone-in pieces about 40 minutes. A whole chicken, about 1 1/4- 1 1/2 hours. Remove chicken to a plate to cool. Skim off any fat from the broth. Add the chopped vegetables and the frozen noodles to the broth and cook about 20 minutes, or until noodles are as tender as you want. Remove chicken from bones, if using a whole chicken. Dice or shred meat. Add chicken to the soup and add desired amount of salt and pepper, if desired. Add in the herbs and serve steaming hot. There is nothing more comforting than a bowl of this delicious soup!
By the way, I use Reames because I like them; I'm not receiving any compensation for this post.


  1. This is delicious! Sometime I cheat too, using only package chicken broth for noodles or soups.

  2. you're REALLY good for making your own noodles when you can!
    and what a good person you are caring for a grandchild!

  3. It looks delicious and hopefully will help you feel better. Since it's virtually the same recipe I use, I can almost taste it.

  4. The soup looks delicious Lynda and I cheat all the time! I've never made my own noodles so I am quite impressed!!!

  5. Looks delish to me..even with the cheater noodles! Really, who doesnt cheat? I do allll the time!

  6. Its ok to cheat! I cheat too! :)

  7. Store bought noodles are not, this is one delicious chicken soup. When ones is as busy as you have been and playing with your granddaughter ~ making substitutions is not only expected, it is required.

    Grandchildren grow up to fast not to spend all the time you can with them.

  8. This is an excellent recipe for a comforting and delicious soup, perfect for when you're not feeling so well. I do hope you're feeling better now!

  9. This looks so good and healthy. I never cheat in the kitchen ;)

  10. Reames noodles are the best. I made my own for years and I love Reames they are better than my own.

  11. Nothing wrong with using pre-made noodles. Your soup looks fantastic.

  12. Oh - don't be so hard on yourself - I cheat with noodles all the time - but the broth is so very grand from scratch - using an entire chicken - yes. The bones add tons of flavor. I adore this soup and have been known to have leftover chicken soup for breakfast!

  13. well, as someone who always uses storebought noodles, i say this is a stellar soup. sure, it'd probably be more awesome with your homemade noodles, but it would suit me just fine as is. :)

  14. Oh, it is sooo cold here, need some soup BAD

  15. I hope you are feeling better. The soup looks like just what you need to feel better. Really, the soup looks amazing.

    By the way, I cheat all the time. :-)

  16. I didn't know about cheater noodles! Thanks for sharing. I'll look for them. The soup looks tasty!

  17. You're not cheating; this is time management! Soup sounds absolutely delicious and I'm sure has curative powers.

    Hope you're feeling better.

    Thanks for posting this lovely soup.


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